Կարմիր Բլուր Կամ Թեյշեբաինի

 ¿Qué ver en Կարմիր բլուր կամ թեյշեբաինի, Ereván?

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The "Karmir Blur" or "Tea House" in Yerevan, Armenia is a popular tea and coffee spot that offers a cozy atmosphere and beautiful views of Mount Ararat. The tea house is open daily from 10am to 11pm and serves a variety of teas, coffees, and desserts. Prices are reasonable and range from 500 to 1500 AMD (approximately $1 to $3 USD).

In the surrounding area, visitors can explore the Yerevan Cascade, a massive stairway that houses several art galleries and offers stunning views of the city. The Cascade is open daily from 10am to 10pm and admission is free. Another nearby attraction is the Matenadaran, a museum and research institute that houses one of the world's largest collections of ancient manuscripts. The Matenadaran is open Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 5pm and admission is 1000 AMD (approximately $2 USD).

Unfortunately, there is no official website for the Karmir Blur Tea House.

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